Poet as a UX researcher

Articulation begins with ART for a reason. While my primary mode of articulation is through poetry and prose, it also extends to design. Here, I aim to present what my poetry says about me and how that would aim in becoming a good UX designer/ researcher.

So you can rhyme a word or two,
But poets sonnet worth few.
For paper cuts, drunk ink blots
rhyming schemes and stories plot.

Only your questions leave a mark,
today songs ice and fire, dying stark.
Characters lost in seconds on a smarter phone,
Your pen won’t drink from a bottle alone.

But I’m not your usual typewriter you see,
I draw some lines to set you free.
What all the voices screen at me,
My language processes naturally.

I’ll draw out your words like the world draws mine,
Logic reasoning with text sublime.
Onboard your story, tested and tried
Fighting on the front end by your side.

I do what’s done by po et al,
A focus group of questions, taking a call.
For we know even silence is observed,
If it touches you, it’s well deserved.

A play on words, I mean well,
I make notes on what you tell.
One of the factors of interaction prime,
I’m blessed with a reason to rhyme.

You tell me it is experience I lack,
Drag and drop my shoulders, body I slack.
But a resume is predictable, a human surprises,
poetry emphasizes how the person empathizes.

i increment in iterations to learn better,
Your hand held friend in bad weather.
A long way to go from a meter to a mile,
But a lean woman stands Fr Agile
